Sunday, April 24, 2016

Welcome to CAM-R The Most Splendifirus Movie Reviews Blog Ever

Welcome to Critical Ace Movie Reviews (CAM-R)
I'am Ace Michaels The One & Only, The New King of Queens, The Stat Sheet Stuffer Supreme, The All-Seeing Eye, The Silver Surfer in the Sky, The One Who Is Just Too Fly aka Mr.Never Ever Shy aka Mr.Sometimes Sleeveless Most Times Suit & Tie. You get the picture more nicknames coming. I really really really like movies. I like to think that my taste in movies is a bit superior to the average view (Don't judge me) I like movies with action, originality and a good unpredictable plot. I DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE enjoy predictable cutesy flutesy happy sappy movies. But I do enjoy ripping those types of movies to shreds. All of the opinions shared on this blog are mine and mine alone if you don't like my opinion please comment and curse me out I like to go back and forth and I like reading other people's opinions. I will always mark for SPOILERS because I hate when a movie is spoiled. If you like my opinions let me know I plan to keep the reviews coming. I love to write and I admire anything creative. I'm going to keep it for the most part clean and safe for work but here is an extreme pro-tip do your work and read my blog later yo. I don't do this for money I do this for the people. I do this so that ya'll won't miss out on all the good movies that are out there and I also will expose the lame ones.  I will take requests too, well let me backtrack on that you can suggest a movie and if it isn't complete slimy wet feces I might review it.

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